At the age of 14 I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I
had had the symptoms for a few years previous to this time. Bipolar left me with
thoughts of suicide, raging tempers, anxiety and a lot of sleepless nights. The
drugs the doctor prescribed
me for bipolar disorder left me feeling doped out
and not myself. There was nothing he prescribed me that helped me with my
bipolar disorder. Just when I thought there was no hope a friend of mine told me
about this documentary he had seen on the television about a product called Truehope. This product, the Truehope supplement is a combination of vitamins and
minerals and a few amino acids and is used to help with the effects of bipolar
disorder. When my friend told me about Truehope I thought it was worth a try
because the drugs the doctor prescribed me didn’t help me with my bipolar
I then set out on a mission to find out how I could find this Truehope supplement and learn whether it truly helped out with bipolar disorder. I went on the internet where I found the Truehope web site that provided a lot of information and scientific evidence on how it worked and the effects it had on bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, attention deficit disorder, A.D.H.D., and other central nervous system disorders. The Truehope website also provided testimonials of people that had bipolar disorder and how Truehope had helped them be able to become drug free with no symptoms of bipolar disorder.
Though I had seen all of this I still wasn’t convinced about Truehope and the effect it had on bipolar disorder. The fact that I had seen this on there own website I thought that it could still be too good to be true. So I decided to go on some bipolar chat boards and ask if anyone had experience with the Truehope supplement. Low and behold there was a participant of the Truehope program that responded and told me all about Truehope and how it has helped her to get off her medications and become completely symptom free of bipolar disorder.
When I had heard this, I took no time phoning the toll
free number for the Truehope support system on how to get there product. The
person who I dealt with guided me through the whole program and in a few months
I was off all my medications and only taking the Truehope supplement and was
already feeling a lot like myself again. My family and friends say I’m a
completely different person now (in a good way). I no longer have thoughts of
suicide, I can control my anger and it doesn’t take me hours to fall asleep
anymore and all thanks to the caring people of Truehope. I would recommend the
Truehope program to anyone who suffers with a mental disorder (especially
bipolar disorder).